Get excited for Science Getaway 2024!

Science Getaway this year will be over the first weekend back in the Spring session (9-11 August).

We will dwell richly in God's Word together (as well as packing in fun and fellowship) over that weekend!

Location: Camp Wanawong - 11 Fifth Ave, Loftus NSW 2232

Time: Arriving on the evening of Friday 9th August, and departing after lunch on Sunday 11th August.

Theme: The Heart of Worship

Cost: $150 (full-time, or $160 if you register after 26/7), $75 (Saturday only)

Your Details

Dietary Requirements and Medical Information

Emergency Details

Stay, Arrival & Departure


Activate's Code of Conduct

All participants in Credo's Science Getaway are required to read and agree to the Activate UTS Code of Conduct. You can read it here.

Waiver Form

Along with your full payment, a waiver form is required to complete your registration. Please DOWNLOAD AND COMPLETE a copy.

Return either a printed and signed form to a Credo Science FacNet leader or staff worker or email a signed electronic copy to ASAP... before the end of July!

Payment Details

In order to confirm your registration, payment is required. Payments can be made by electronic transfer to the Activate Credo bank account.

We would love to have everyone be able to come to Getaway. If you are holding back due to financial difficulties, please let us know. We can arrange a payment plan to pay in instalments.

Cost: $150 (full time, or $160 if you register after 26/7) or $75 (Saturday only)

Account Name: ActiveUTS-Credo
BSB: 062 392
Account Number: 1016 4702
Description: "your surname+firstinitial+ScienceGetaway" (e.g. SmithJScienceGetaway)

Registration Close: 1st August 2024. Full payment must be received by this date. 

* Please note - We are unable to refund payments for late cancellations if you withdraw after 1st August.

Optional Donation

Other Questions or Comments?